Are You Building a Business? Or Are You Doing a Job?

Are You Building a Business? Or Are You Doing a Job?

A lot of business owners would answer that question by saying “of course I’m building a business!” However, I have found many business owners, whilst technically being the owner, are actually doing most of the work themselves.  As a Business Coach, you can define a successful business as a business that works without the owner.  You need to concentrate on what you are doing to get your business to where it doesn’t reply on you. Ideally, you can take a couple of months of, without any concern as to the impact on the business. There are some immediate and simple things you can start doing to get some leverage in your business straight away.  Most prominently, start measuring how many hours each week you personally spend on leveraged activities.  Examples of leveraged activities include:

1. Writing a new system in your business…once you’ve written the system, your staff can manage it and you will enjoy the benefits of it without having to actually do the work.

2. Design a good marketing campaign…once you test it, measure it’s results and confirm that they’re good, you (or someone else in your team) can just keep rolling out the same campaign whenever you need new customers.

3. Recruit great people…your business growth will be seriously constrained unless you recruit other people to it.  They’re the ones who will generate significant growth and allow you to focus on leveraged, massive value-adding activities.

4. Training your team…all very well to get great people into your business but, if you don’t invest the time and effort into training them, they’ll never reach full productivity or they’ll leave!  Train them well the first time and you’ll enjoy the benefits forever!

5. Business planning and strategy…spend time writing a good plan and you’ll benefit from it for the life of the plan. These are just five examples of which there are many, many more.  The most important thing to do first is ask yourself each week, “how many hours did I spend this week doing leveraged activities?” Ultimately, as the business owner, this should be the majority of your week.  If it’s less than five hours, and you’re spending the majority of your week actually doing the work, this need to change immediately.

For more information on how I can help you leverage your business and time visit:

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